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Want a day off from making lunch?

You are in luck, we have partnered up with Healthy Hunger to offer for purchase lunches from local restaurants.  To get started, head to the Healthy Hunger website at and click “REGISTER STUDENT”.  Once your account is created, you will be able to view all up-coming lunches; place orders; and pay for the orders online using Visa, MasterCard, or Interac Debit.

To kick off this program, there will be a Pizza Hut lunch on November 22. Pizza Hut is offering a variety of options, which can be viewed once logged into your account.  Orders must be made 5 days prior to the lunch date of November 22. 

Even if you normally go home for lunch you are able to participate in the lunch.  Any questions please contact Lisa Kress at

School Starts September 5th at 8:53

We are so excited for the first day! Teachers will be outside on the playground before the bell and we'll all come in together. Students will go home on the first day with homework for their parents - forms to fill out! For the first day we'll assume everyone is staying for lunch but you will complete lunchroom forms as part of your package. Please advise the school if your child has any allergies or health concerns we need to know about for day 1.

Common questions:

Please bring your child to the playground but yes you can escort them to their room.

No microwaves - please pack a lunch that doesn't need reheating (or use a thermos).

Bell schedule is 8:53 - 3:37 with an hour at lunch (11:45-12:45).



School Clothing

Are you ready for some Wascana Plains clothing?  Please visit CashOnline (instructions above under the Parent tab) to order shirts, sweatpants, hoodies and shorts with our school logo.  You have the choice of grey or black.  Not sure of the size?  We'll have a sizing kit available from October 23-27 in the office and at the Playground Grand Opening on the 26th.  

Final day to order is the 27th so we get the clothes before the winter break.